About Me
Ahoura Zandi(atashbar) is Assistant Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at San José State University (SJSU) where he expands his research in application of geospatial analytical techniques in mapping the U.S. geography of high-tech zones and exploring the role of urban form in equitable robust knowledge economy and innovation productivity of small firms. The results of his research have been presented in Journal of Planning Education and Research, Journal of Urban Studies, Cities, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Landscape and Urban Planning; and more than 20 presentations and talks. Prior to joining SJSU, Ahoura was Clinical Assistant Professor of geospatial data analysis in Urban Data Visualization Lab (UDVL) at the University of Illinois at Chicago where he was the primary instructor of Geospatial Technology courses and a key member in developing Illinois Map The Count 2020, Illinois COVID-19 Vulnerability, and Chicago’s Tap Water web-maps. Ahoura is the winner of People’s Choice Best Research Award from the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning and First Place Award from the United States Environmental Protection Agency in 2015 Campus RainWorks Challenge.